Immunisations save lives.
As well as protecting yourself from dangerous diseases, getting your tamariki immunised is one of the best ways to set them up for a healthy future. Lots of vaccines in Aotearoa New Zealand are free.
Immunisations are one of the most important prevention services we provide here at Cook Street Health Centre. Immunisation has led to the decline of many high morbidity and mortality diseases.
A full range of vaccines are offered at Cook Street Health Centre for pēpi/babies, tamariki/children, rangatahi/young people and pakeke/adults.
These include:
Childhood Immunisation Schedule vaccines:
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Polio, Hepatitis B, Haemophilus, Pneumococcal, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chickenpox, Rotavirus, Meningitis B
HPV vaccine:
9 to 26 year old are eligible and funded by Ministry of Health
Meningitis Vaccines:
Meningitis ACWY and Meningitis B vaccines are free for ages 13 to 25 years old in their first year of close-living situations
Influenza vaccine:
Seasonal, April to December
COVID-19 Vaccine:
Pfzier vaccine to adults
Immunisations for pregnant women:
Diphtheria Tetanus & Whooping Cough vaccine, Influenza and COVID-19 vaccine
45 year vaccine:
Diptheria, Tetanus & Whooping Cough
65 year vaccines:
Diptheria, Tetanus & Whooping Cough, Shingles, Influenza
Funded Vaccines for special groups
Unfunded Vaccines that we also provide include:
Hepatitis B, Shingles, Pneumococcal, Meningitis, RSV, Chicken Pox, Diptheria/Tetanus/Whooping Cough
Travel vaccines: We are no longer providing these, please see Worldwise Travel on corner Grey Street and Albert Street. Website link: https://www.wwclinicongrey.co.nz/
See link below for up to date information about immunisation
Protect yourself, your whānau, and your community. Immunise.