Welcome to Cook Street Health Centre

The Cook Street Health Centre is focused on the needs of you and your family. We are open weekdays, and are ready to offer you the best of care.

Please find below some general information about our practice.

The Cook Street Health Centre is a Cornerstone Accredited Practice.

The Cook Street Health Centre provides General Practice for you and your family.

General Practice Information

  • Joining the Practice

    Cook Street Health Centre is not currently taking on New Patients

    When you join the (practice)  health centre  it is important that we review your medical history and perform a medical examination in order to provide the best possible care for you.

    You will be invited to have an initial appointment with the doctor. This is a longer appointment and incurs a greater fee.

    We can request your notes from your previous doctor with your permission and you will be asked to sign a form (for this) to release these.

  • Enrolment

    Cook Street Health Centre is not currently taking on New Patients.

    The principle of enrolment is crucial to the government’s primary health care strategy. Ensuring that patients obtain their health care from one general practice will undoubtedly help make their care more efficient and effective. There is a lot of evidence that continuity of care results in better health.

    Some of the key points about this system are:

    • Patients can only enrol with one general practice. If you choose to enrol with another practice, you are automatically no longer enrolled with the previous practice.
    • The fact that you are enrolled with one general practice does not restrict you from consulting another doctor somewhere else.
    • If you consult another doctor (practice) any government subsidy which applies for your consultation is deducted from your enrolled practice’s.

    Every 3 years if you have not been seen by your doctor you will be asked to complete an enrolment form that indicates you want to be enrolled with this health centre and this enables your doctor to be able to subsidise your consultation fee.

    It is important to understand the principles of enrolment. For patients who are enrolled with us, we ask that you try to obtain your health care from us, except after hours. The system encourages this partnership (and provides a financial penalty for us if you consult other practices). An information brochure is available which explains the details about enrolment: please ask at the desk if you wish to see this or read via this link.

  • Appointments

    Doctors’ appointments are usually made for 15 minutes. Please be considerate of other patients if you have several problems which may require more time than one appointment allows. You are welcome to book a double appointment if you think this is necessary, and this will carry an additional charge based on the duration.

    We try to ensure that you are able to see your regular doctor as this maintains continuity of care. It is therefore best if you telephone ahead to make an appointment.especially if you are well and planning for medications or routine reviews or WINZ or ACC off work certificates.

    If there is a significant delay you may be offered an appointment with another doctor. Please tell the receptionist if your problem is related to an acute illness (urgent). We recommend you speak initially to one of the nurses.

    If you have made an appointment which is no longer needed, please ring us at least 2 hours beforehand so that it can be made available for another patient. We discourage our patients from turning up without an appointment. Likewise we will charge a fee for people who do not cancel their appointments and do not arrive as the appointments are in high demand.

    Nurses appointments are for many services and the time required and availability of these is variable.

  • Nurse Clinics

    Our team of very experienced Practice Nurses have a wide range of skills in primary health care.

    These include:

    • Wound management,
    • Performing cervical smears
    • Blood pressure monitoring (checks)
    • ECG (electrocardiograms)
    • Childhood immunisations, (and support with smoking cessation.) (They are also able to provide)
    • Adult immunisations – Dip Tet Whooping cough, Shingles, Influenza, Hepatitis A & B
    • Health education
    • Annual checks for patients with diabetes ( patients with diabetes and pre-diabetes)
    • Well person checks including cardiovascular risk assessment, encouragement with smoking cessation, support with mammography
    • Administration of injections such as Vitamin B12, Depo Provera, Zoladex and others as prescribed
  • Test Results

    We want you to access you results. We are obliged to follow up abnormal results.

    The online medical record (Patient portal) called MyIndici links you with your medical records, hence we encourage use of this. Ask any staff member about it.

    More info is available here:

    However it is always good to be aware that your tests were processed and the results were normal. If you don’t’ hear from us you are welcome to leave a message for us to get the results to you by phone, (message) , letter (or)  text message, or some may want to collect a copy in person..

    If you have a cell phone that you can receive a text message on please make sure you have given us your current number and advise us that you are happy to receive a message this way.

  • Repeat Prescriptions

    While it is convenient for patients to phone for repeat prescriptions of their medications, we need to follow careful guidelines for safety and medico-legal reasons.

    You will need to be seen by the doctor at regular intervals.

    It is suggested that you have a conversation with your doctor and have an understanding of how often he or she needs to be reviewing you, whether it in monthly 3 monthly, twice a year or annually. This is when you are well. Appointments when you are unwell is generally not a medication review.

    It is best if possible to talk to the practice nurse about your needs as this allows her to look in your file and check the request. All repeat medication requests are checked before the prescription is forwarded to the pharmacy. If she is busy the receptionist may take the request but the nurse may need to ring you back if there is a query.

    We will not give prescriptions for new medicines without seeing you except in extreme circumstances. For regular medications if relevant we may require that you have your blood pressure checked (if appropriate) or if you have not been seen for some time we will require you to come in and have a consultation. If the nurse advises you that an appointment is necessary in order to get a repeat prescription, she is following clearly set out protocols designed to ensure the safe and responsible administration of mediations (drugs). She is not just trying to create business or make your life difficult.

    You can request repeat prescriptions by:

    • Telephone via the fax request line
    • Fax
    • via MyIndici (the online medical record)


    There are some medications that have to be collected in person from the front desk and the bulk  that can be emailed directly to the pharmacy nationwide.


    Remember to include enough detail about the name and dosage of the medicine, and provide contact details so that a nurse can contact you if needed.


    The doctors write the prescriptions at the end of the morning and afternoon sessions.


    We need 2 full working days to complete the repeat prescriptions.

    Please plan a fortnight in advance for regular medication

  • Fees

    All enrolled patients at Cook Street Health Centre understand and agree to the following terms and conditions for payment for medical services.

    All fees for medical services are payable on the day that the service is provided, including phone consultations, portal requests and prescription requests.

    Patients agree to pay all costs and any expenses incurred by Cook Street Health Centre in recovering any amounts overdue for payment.

    To make it easier you can pay directly into our bank account.

    These details are:
    Cook Street Health Centre
    Account number: 06 0729 0545347 25 please use your name & chart number for reference.

  • Immunisation

    A full range of vaccinations are offered for children and adults. This includes :

    The childhood immunisation schedule vaccines: Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, hepatitis B, Haemophilus, Pneumococcal, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, rotavirus

    Immunisations for high risk groups, due to medical conditions

    HPV / ‘Gardasil’ vaccine
    (9-)12 to 26 year old are eligible and funded by Ministry of Health

    Meningitis vaccineThis is funded by the Ministry of Health to the following group and can be purchased by others wanting protection. Some types of meningitis are vaccine preventable. Please enquire to nurses or doctor to see if there is one to suit you or your children. Those at greatest risk are those who are exposed to tobacco smoke, have other respiratory infections, spending time with or living in close proximity of others (eg hostels, day cares, any crowded area, those who have reduced immunity and some ethnicities.

    From 1 December 2019, people aged 13-25 years living in boarding school hostels, tertiary education halls of residence, military barracks, or prisons, can receive a single dose of meningococcal ACWY vaccine (Menactra) free of charge REF: https://www.health.govt.nz/your-health/conditions-and-treatments/diseases-and-illnesses/meningococcal-disease-including-meningitis

    Influenza vaccine– seasonal April to December   https://www.fightflu.co.nz/

    Pneumococcal vaccine some people with higher risk are funded and is also recommended to those who are – over 65, predisposed to infection due to a respiratory disease.  https://www.immune.org.nz/vaccines/available-vaccines/pneumovax23

    MMR – Measles Mumps Rubella for adults 15-30 years+ catch up

    Immunisations for pregnant women – Diphtheria Tetanus Whooping Cough are funded. https://www.immune.org.nz/hot-topic/boostrix-recommended-16-weeks-every-pregnancy
    Partners and family can pay.

    Shingles – ‘Zostavax’: is a 65 year old vaccine and until the end of December 2020 those who are 66-80 can receive this funded. Anyone over 50 years can pay.

    Travel vaccines –  Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Polio, Typhoid, Meningitis are either in stock or can be ordered.

    Triple vaccine –  Diphtheria Tetanus Whooping cough is now available  to replace Diphtheria Tetanus at age 45 and age 65. The aim of this is to improve the wider community protection from whooping cough as well as keeping Diphtheria at bay and protect individuals from Tetanus if injured.

    Also vaccines for those with additional disease prevention needs –  People include, genetic disorders, household contacts of hepatitis B, those with immunosuppression or after chemotherapy, transplants, splenectomy and many more.


    Recommendations for off the beaten track travel we recommended a consultation with Worldwise Travel.

  • Health Checks

    We would like to recommend to you our well-person health checks. These are designed to look at inherited, lifestyle and other personal health risks, so that measures can be taken to reduce these in the future. They are particularly aimed at those between the ages of 30 and 70 years who rarely need to see a doctor.

    The health check includes filling out a questionnaire, seeing your practice nurse, having tests done and following up with your doctor.

    If you would like to have a well person check, please phone the reception desk to arrange a time.

  • Surgical Procedures

    Minor surgical procedures such as mole removal are performed at the health centre.

    Prior to an appointment for this you will have needed to shown and discussed the possible removal with your doctor and been given options of where this could be done and that it can be done and have received a quote. It is a special skill that requires more time and materials hence the fee reflects this.

  • Home Visits

    If you need a doctor to call at your home, please phone early in the day if possible. It may be possible for a doctor to see someone at home If they are too unwell to come in or unable to come in, however not always.

    The best thing to do is to phone and speak to a nurse to assess what is wrong. They will then liaise with the doctor and decide what can be done.

    If immediate attention is required then St John ambulance may be called.

    (One of the practice nurses will arrange a suitable time for the doctor to visit you and will also be able to give you advice on how to manage things in the meantime.)

  • After Hours

    Practice Plus – Same day virtual GP appointments to suit you and your whanau

    Healthline – 0800 611 116 telephone triage and advice

    White Cross City Doctors at 22 Victoria Avenue from 6pm to 8pm weeknights and from 8am to 8pm Saturday- Sunday.

  • Privacy

    From time to time, in the course of treatment, we may need to provide your details and medical history to other health providers, such as specialists and hospitals.

    We will ensure that your health information is only seen by people who are involved in your health care (such as a staff and specialists that we refer you to).  We will always ask for your consent before transferring any identifiable medical information about you to someone who is not involved in your health care. We provide the PHO and the Ministry of health with a list of our enrolled patients so that we can obtain subsidies on your behalf. This information includes your name, address, date of birth, ethnicity, and the dates when you see the doctor or nurse.  No identifiable medical information is provided without your consent. In all cases, your privacy is protected by the medical ethics of confidentiality, the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993, and the Health Information Privacy Code 1994.  We are aware of these privacy requirements and work within policies and procedures developed by the PHO to uphold them at all times.  We value the confidentiality of your health information.

  • Feedback

    If there is a problem about the way you have been treated, or if you are unhappy with any of the services provided, you need to tell us as soon as possible. Please contact the doctor in question, the Practice Manager or outline your concerns in a letter to the practice. You can be assured that problems will be tackled and any complaints dealt with promptly. You also have the right to use independent procedures. These are outlined in a pamphlet from the Health and Disability Commissioner available at the Centre.

  • Leaving the Practice

    If you leave the (practice), health centre please let us know so that we can cancel reminder notices and keep our records up to date. Once you enrol with a new doctor they will (Your new doctor will)  request your notes from us once you have authorised this.

For further health information, please visit https://www.healthnavigator.org.nz/health-a-z/

If you require anymore information on our practice. Please contact reception.