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Author: Melissa Michie


Our appointments are usually 15 minutes long. Please be considerate of other patients if you have several problems which may require more time than one appointment allows. You are welcome to book a double appointment if you think this is necessary, and there will be an additional fee.

We try to ensure that you are able to see your regular GP/NP as this maintains continuity of care. It is therefore best if you telephone, or make an appointment via MyIndici well in advance, especially if you are well and planning for medications, routine reviews, WINZ or ACC certificates.

If there is a significant delay you may be offered an appointment with another GP/NP. Please tell the receptionist if your problem is related to an acute illness (urgent). We recommend you speak initially to one of the Primary Health Nurses.

If you have made an appointment which is no longer needed, please ring us at least 2 hours beforehand so that it can be made available for another patient. We will charge a fee for people who do not cancel their appointments and do not arrive as the appointments are in high demand.

Nurse appointments are for many services and the time required and availability of these is variable.

If you need a GP/NP to call at your home, please phone early in the day if possible. It may be possible for a GP to see someone at home if they are too unwell to come in, or are unable to come in, however not always.

The best thing to do is to phone and speak to a Primary Health Nurse to assess what is wrong. They will then liaise with the GP/NP, and decide what can be done.  They will also be able to give you advice on how to manage things in the meantime.

If immediate attention is required then a St John ambulance may be called.

Results Procedure

We will contact you if your test result requires follow up.  The GP/NP or Health Care Nurse may phone, text, or email you. If you would like to discuss your results, please phone us


Consider register with MyIndici, our online patient portal, then you will be able to access your results online.  See further information in MyIndici section.

Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat Prescriptions are given at the discretion of the GP or Nurse Practitioner. 
These require 2 working days before they are ready to be picked up from the pharmacy.

While it is convenient for patients to phone for repeat prescriptions, we need to follow careful guidelines for safety and medico-legal reasons.  

You will need to be seen by your GP/NP at regular intervals, and you will need to have a conversation with your GP/NP about how often he or she needs to see you, whether it is monthly, 3 monthly, twice a year or annually.

When you request a script, please give:

  • Your name
  • Your Date of Birth (IMPORTANT – this ensures we have the correct patient, as we have patients with the same name)
  • Your phone number
  • The medication you need

Nurse Clinics

Our team of very experienced Health Care Nurses have a wide range of skills in primary health care.

These include:

  • Wound management,
  • Cervical smears
  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • ECG (electrocardiograms)
  • Childhood immunisations
  • Adult immunisations
  • Annual checks for patients with diabetes and pre-diabetes
  • Well person checks including cardiovascular risk assessment, encouragement with smoking cessation
  • Administration of injections such as Vitamin B12, Depo Provera, Zoladex and others as prescribed
  • Liquid Nitrogen
  • Sexual Health
  • Health education and Self Management support

Minor Surgical Procedures

Minor surgical procedures such as mole removal are performed at the health centre.

Prior to an appointment for this you will have needed to shown and discussed the possible removal with your doctor and been given options of where this could be done and that it can be done and have received a quote. It is a special skill that requires more time and materials hence the fee reflects this.


Immunisations save lives.
As well as protecting yourself from dangerous diseases, getting your tamariki immunised is one of the best ways to set them up for a healthy future. Lots of vaccines in Aotearoa New Zealand are free.

Immunisations are one of the most important prevention services we provide here at Cook Street Health Centre. Immunisation has led to the decline of many high morbidity and mortality diseases.

A full range of vaccines are offered at Cook Street Health Centre for pēpi/babies, tamariki/children, rangatahi/young people and pakeke/adults.

These include:
Childhood Immunisation Schedule vaccines:
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Polio, Hepatitis B, Haemophilus, Pneumococcal, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chickenpox, Rotavirus, Meningitis B

HPV vaccine:
9 to 26 year old are eligible and funded by Ministry of Health

Meningitis Vaccines:
Meningitis ACWY and Meningitis B vaccines are free for ages 13 to 25 years old in their first year of close-living situations

Influenza vaccine:
Seasonal, April to December  

COVID-19 Vaccine:
Pfzier vaccine to adults

Immunisations for pregnant women:
Diphtheria Tetanus & Whooping Cough vaccine, Influenza and COVID-19 vaccine

45 year vaccine:
Diptheria, Tetanus & Whooping Cough

65 year vaccines:
Diptheria, Tetanus & Whooping Cough, Shingles, Influenza

Funded Vaccines for special groups

Unfunded Vaccines that we also provide include:
Hepatitis B, Shingles, Pneumococcal, Meningitis, RSV, Chicken Pox, Diptheria/Tetanus/Whooping Cough

Travel vaccines:  We are no longer providing these, please see Worldwise Travel on corner Grey Street and Albert Street. Website link:

See link below for up to date information about immunisation

Protect yourself, your whānau, and your community. Immunise.

Mental Health

If you are concerned about someone’s behaviour and think they may harm themselves or someone else:

  • call 111 or take them to the Accident and Emergency Department (A&E) at your nearest hospital
  • phone your nearest hospital, or your district’s psychiatric emergency service or mental health crisis assessment team
  • stay with them and help them to stay safe until support arrives.

There are a range of resources and services available to help, including phone numbers, online services and information, and face to face support.


Groov is an app that you can use to monitor, manage and improve your mental wellbeing by setting daily goals and tracking your progress.


Small Steps

Small Steps are digital tools to help you maintain wellness, find relief, or get help for yourself, friends or whānau.

Small Steps


Headstrong (including Aroha Chatbot) is a uniquely New Zealand chatbot app designed for young people — it feels like talking with a trusted friend. Download it from the app store on your mobile device.


Wellbeing Support

Wellbeing Support is an online directory to find free mental health and addiction support near you through the Access and Choice programme.

Wellbeing Support

There are several helplines you can call if you need to talk to someone.

1737, need to talk?

If you feel anxious, down, a bit overwhelmed, or just need someone to talk to, call or txt 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 1737 is staffed by a team of paid counsellors who can talk to you if you have mental health or addiction problems.

Depression helpline

The Depression Helpline is a free helpline that you can call or txt 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It has trained counsellors who can talk you through your problems and suggest help in your area.


Any young person in New Zealand, or anyone supporting a young person, can call Youthline for help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can txt between 8am and midnight. You can chat online with a counsellor from 5pm to 9pm through the Youthline website. You can also email any time.

The Lowdown

The Lowdown team are an experienced group of counsellors. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can contact them any time by txt or by email from their website.

General alcohol drug helpline

Cervical Smears

Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers. Regular cervical screening and human papillomavirus (HPV) immunisation are the best ways of protection.

The cervix is in the lower part of the uterus, at the top of the vagina.

Screening allows for early detection, follow-up testing and treatment. It finds early warning signs well before they could possibly become cancer.

We offer individualised screening options, either HPV swab testing or cervical smears, or HPV testing via the speculum examination. Screening is usually every 3- 5 years and follow up is usually after 1 year.

It is encouraged and recommended to all wahine/women and people with a cervix to participate in the National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP).

Check to see if you are eligible for free cervical screening –

The Cook Street Health team will invite you for this screening test, and a general health check may be able to be done at the appointment.

For more information see the following websites:

COVID 19 – Novel Coronavirus

The first case of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) is now confirmed in New Zealand.

You can get up to date information and advice from the Ministry’s website linked below. If you are worried about symptoms or exposure, remember ‘Stay at Home and Use the Phone’.

You can view all the latest information and official updates here: